So ferrets are highly susceptible to influenza and can contract bird flu from raw food diets or contact with humans, so I would be careful and maybe consider an alternative!
I’m so worried for my dog because there are so many feral cats in my neighborhood..
Do you know if my dog can catch it just by being in contact to their droppings when we go on walks?
This is what I was looking for. Thank you. My boy is an indoor cat and I will be away from him for a couple months (big move from FL to TX for work ...) but my parents keep him and the other cats inside.
You can keep your pets safe by avoiding raw food or treats. Raw animal food that has NOT been heat-treated to kill germs can increase health risks for pets, including risk of bird flu. DO NOT feed dogs or cats raw pet food, treats, or milk.
Does this mean we shouldn't be letting our dogs play outside, since we aren't supposed to let them come into contact with droppings? Its inevitable that my yard will have some somewhere at some point, but have a high energy dog who can't realistically get the exercise he needs indoors 😭
A lot of it has been exposure to dead or infected animals so I am not sure if it’s possible for you to just double check before you let them out? They don’t usually mess with birds or anything like that do they? For example, the case in dogs I do know of is because a dog was chewing on an infected
Unfortunately he will pick up anything he finds on the ground, so that is an issue. The yard is too large for me to thoroughly check every time he goes out -- I can do my best but I can't guarantee I'd spot a little bird in a big yard. I also have indoor cats and a parrot so this is a big concern
He's never outside unsupervised, but I may or may not be able to get it away from him if he found a bird and picked it up. He doesn't resource guard, he just thinks its a fun keepaway game and he's much faster than I am. Its an issue I've been trying to work on with little success
I think a reasonable harm reduction method if you have a very active cat is to get them a collar with a bell. The added noise can make them much less effective at actually catching birds.
Will be hard for two of my family cat, tough i doupt one is able to hunt, i broked one of his tooth by accident by pushing him out of my place, with other cat it had never had accident, but his head made contact with the ground and he didn’t resseptionated like other cats do
Important to note If you raw feed your cats, switching over to a non-avian meat can help minimize risk, such as rabbit or beef. Make sure to practice safe handling, and wash and disinfect all surfaces thoroughly after handling raw meat! Instead of raw milk, try offering your cat bone broth instead!
Is there any standard for knowing if meat has been cooked in cat food? Most of the cans of wet cat food I have say “meat by products” and nothing much to go on if it’s cooked or not
I have a question and wonder if you could answer :0 my partner has been worried about possibly tracking bird flu into the house via our shoes (stepping in bird poop and not knowing), is that a real way that it could spread to our indoor cats?
But I need to feed my cat raw chicken meat. Because food allergies and sensitive intestines. I tried somany alternatives and asked my vet but my cat will just shit itself to death otherwise :c
I live in germany but we had cases of bird flu over the years too. Don't want my kitty to be sick :c
Then many of the nutrients and vitamins in the meat that cats need brake down when its cooked. Still need to add supplement powder to the raw meat. And sadly in dry food they put in something so that my cat gets sick. Would need to do my own dry kibble I think
I'm curious if you know - but do you think risk exposure from human-to-cat is higher if an individual interacts with pet birds on a daily basis (like say, in a pet store? specifically: parakeets).
You do a whole writeup on how to protect dogs and cats but not a single word on how to protect pet birds. You know, the ones likely most at risk for bird flu, given that it's in the name and all.
It's store-bought eggs if it matters D:
Daaaanng, their fave snackiiieeeee D;
but thanku for clearing that up! Wasn't sure if it was just meat or if unfertilized eggs counted/could spread it, so thanks again!
Do you know if my dog can catch it just by being in contact to their droppings when we go on walks?
As always, sound and level-headed guidance backed by science!
Our happy indoor cats
sure, but the meat that wild cats eat isn't processed in a meat processing plant
I wonder if it'll become a new trend and great info as always thanks for sharing and all the best!
I live in germany but we had cases of bird flu over the years too. Don't want my kitty to be sick :c
I was thinking things like outdoor aviaries, but people do take their birds for walks and such as well.