Thank you for not calling this Canadians Against Americans. I'm one of the 70mil who didn't vote for trump/musk and their band of thieves. We never-trumpers love Canada and Canadians. Don't give in to the unrealistic demands of the new administration!
We the people of America and Canada are family. The border may give us individual identity, it does not make us less connected through blood, history, and love.
We're boycotting anything made in America in my household (sorry to all the good people down there...), and I won't go back and visit my family as long as this gong show is going on.
I just hope our federal Conservative leader doesn't get in this year, or he's going to kiss Trump's rear!
I only blame the MAGAts who voted for Trump due to their greed, stupidity, ignorance, racism/bigotry (which goes along with their ignorance). I have many American friends who sick with what is happening.In fact, recently we went to Mexico and some Americans at our resort apologized to me for Trump.
I thought it was bad when George Bush was pres and I traveled overseas and got crap for him. Can't imagine how Americans are being received now overseas. It's shameful what the new administration is doing
Sadly not yet, but i expect to see one soon, Bonnie Crombie in Ontario is against it and should be working as opposition to get rid of it soon enough. Email the ontario liberals and tell them you want it canceled for national security reasons. There are petitions on for it though.
Thank you. It seems like all these things "dovetail" together. A country that doesn't want him as their citizen should, by definition, not want him conducting business there or benefiting from government contracts. Or making claims against its sovereignty.
.... some aren't..... Albertans are pretty brainwashed..... and sadly, I live amongst them. The smart ones are standing our ground. I keep telling them move if that's what you want down south! Keep Canada out of this!
3 Construct a National East-West Corridor for high speed rail and energy.
2) Canadian OS to compete with OSX and Android
1)National Auto Manufacturer. %100 made in Canada SUVs. Sold around the world.
I just hope our federal Conservative leader doesn't get in this year, or he's going to kiss Trump's rear!