during the GW bush years there were well-funded and successful efforts to rewrite history and confuse white working class people into thinking that conservatism stands for them
this is also when popular country music went from being anti-cop / anti-authority to being flagwavey consumerist garbage
Take the uneducated, those that feel betrayed by the system, left behind by the culture, promise them a shining future built on violence and subservience and PRESTO! You have a generation of cowards that will make it into the history books, gruesomely.
the term originates from multiracial coal mining union members wearing red bandanas to identify themselves
rednecks have a long and storied history of labor organizing, racial justice and anti-authoritarianism
this is also when popular country music went from being anti-cop / anti-authority to being flagwavey consumerist garbage
Look at ur reaction to what is going on