a very fluffy buizel indeed!!!
overall shapes, facial expressions and everything look very nice!
of course the fluff overall is very very nice aswell
may not be a pikachu but i still like buizel a good bit, and this is a VERY lovely one at that!
very lovely art overall thank you for this-! 😄
oh my GOD i wasnt saying you SHOULD do that but do not tempt me like that LOL
fluffy pikachus are a massive weakness pfft
but please do just draw what you genuinely want to and dont let this random internet individual alter it LOL
i like all fluffy creatures, chu or not! 👀
overall shapes, facial expressions and everything look very nice!
of course the fluff overall is very very nice aswell
may not be a pikachu but i still like buizel a good bit, and this is a VERY lovely one at that!
very lovely art overall thank you for this-! 😄
fluffy pikachus are a massive weakness pfft
but please do just draw what you genuinely want to and dont let this random internet individual alter it LOL
i like all fluffy creatures, chu or not! 👀