Another thing to consider... In 2020 and 2021 when schools were closed, we had much less school shootings. So, from this one anecdotal data point couldn't we conclude it's the schools causing school shootings?
So I guess Americans don't need gun control laws, they just need more COVID. I misunderstood Trump so badly then. I was thinking he was incompetent quack in 2020 by letting it spread so much, but he was just trying to save kids from school shootings. Such a hero.
That's why we reelected him. So he could get communicable disease numbers up in America and force school closure again and stop the school shootings. it's all so logical and reasonable!
(All sarcasm! Very sarcastically said! This is the Internet, we can't be to careful!)
Need federal background checks, licensed gun ownership with repeated proof of continued ownership and elimination of gun sales outside of federally managed stores.
Need to restrict first who has firearms, how guns can change ownership, track all owned guns and
at the same time cut back on military style weapons and ammo. Guns need to be federally managed and not at the state level.
Why do people obsess over guns? Isn’t it more about how u use them? Like, I dunno, just make sure ur not a total baka and handle things wisely? Ice can be super powerful, but I don’t just throw it around
Agreed they should put less restrictions on firearms you can own and the attachments you can own but be more strict on who has access and make sure they aren't just giving the guns to people who shouldn't have them.
Meanwhile, in EU (with a much larger population than USA), I can find mentions of around 20 school shootings. In total. Ever. I'm sure that's slightly low, but still.
Other countries have guns without the public health crisis that is mass shootings. Universal school lunches, vocational training, home ec, civics classes, banning book bans, etc would all go a long way. We really need FDR's second bill of rights to protect those causes.
Now do it with circles that change size based on how many killed, saving the current size circle for Orlando club, Vegas concert, etc. It'll probably still be scary and give a clearer sense of just how many there are instead of devolving into a blob.
Yes, it’s very pathetic that we have so many homegrown terrorists! And the SOB Trump idiot! Thinks the problem is Mexicans what a stupid ass he is! Is the damn MAGA white supremacist Nazis !! the oath keeper jackasses Trump’s buddies. ! That’s what we need to get rid of in this country!!
No it’s not the guns, it’s the people with guns, the doors, not enough good guys with guns, no teachers with guns, not enough thoughts and prayers … er um. It’s definitely not the guns 😬
This is why you don’t post stuff while tried, I don’t remember
What I meant, I think I though shooting (map) not = to school shooting (article) but ofc that’s wrong
I thought this was made up. No offense to the poster- I just know the fact check everything and not automatically believe a random post. I went on to Amnesty International’s website to see if it was real, and sadly it is. Wow.
I think they were alluding to the fact that there were no mass shootings in Wyoming but in order to move there you’d have to have “female George Santos” as your rep.
Though the reason there’s no shootings is because no one lives there (less than 600k and it’s the 10th biggest state)
just remember that the vast majority of terror attacks on united states soil is done by americans (mostly white men). why should other countries do it when we do it to ourselves they probably think.
I remember when Columbine happened and thinking, now they’ll have to do something to control guns. But here we are 25 years and hundreds of school shootings later and still nothing has been done. It’s very disheartening to watch.
Hilarious Americans think they are somehow great and exceptional. Pull the same map same map for the Africa continent and the ask yourselves where the shithole country is ?? And don’t blame republicans either. It’s on all of you dumbasses. Watch your kids does for your 2nd amendment !! Dumb as dirt
But they were talking about the CEO for two weeks. I guess they can't talk about each school shooting for two weeks or we would get confused which shooting they are talking about.
Packing heat! Isn’t easy
(All sarcasm! Very sarcastically said! This is the Internet, we can't be to careful!)
at the same time cut back on military style weapons and ammo. Guns need to be federally managed and not at the state level.
Meanwhile, in EU (with a much larger population than USA), I can find mentions of around 20 school shootings. In total. Ever. I'm sure that's slightly low, but still.
Corporate profits? Yes please.
The same way you only hear about a 20 vehicle pile up you only hear about big ones.
There was a shooting at my daughters high school during a football game last year and it barely made the news.
And it’s being protected by the people screeching the hardest about decay and degeneracy
What I meant, I think I though shooting (map) not = to school shooting (article) but ofc that’s wrong
323? In one year!!!
Though the reason there’s no shootings is because no one lives there (less than 600k and it’s the 10th biggest state)
If guns created safe spaces war zones would be the safest places on earth.
So it's not the guns. What is it then?
We do need another gun amnesty where the gov buys and destroys all the guns though yes.
But guns are hallowed things, and must be left alone.
AK 4, Verse 7