nah first of all dont blame urself for the shit the fuck up piece of shit did and continues to do. you are strong for dealing with that the way you did but I swear to you these fuckers deserve every hell thats waiting for them. keep ur head up kay 🤍
hey kay, nobody is/will be mad at you for not saying anything. you were navigating a weird and uncomfortable situation the best way you could. you couldn’t have known how much of a creep he is, don’t blame yourself for what happened. you’re pretty awesome and cool. also thank you for sharing this :)
Kay, you in no way could've known what kind of a person Ken could be. I'm sorry you went through it. I'm sorry he affected you and rocked your peace, but please don't blame yourself.
I'm so sorry this happened. The messages are gross but it wasn't your fault at all. You are never responsible for someone else's actions. Please take care of yourself! 🫶
this is not your fault at all kay, ik it can be hard to deal with situations like this and that’s only on the person creating those situations, feel free to reach out to someone and ask for help if you’re able to, but it is also not your fault that this happened, youre a kind soul, hope you’re okay🫂
eugh these read like he’s talking to a brand new partner (insane) and yours read like you just met him (sane). i’m so sorry you had to deal with this loser of a loser
like i don’t imagine one bit that you explicitly stated flirting was okay or reciprocated the flirting. good call with insta
kay i'm so sorry you went through that :( please don't feel responsible for his behaviour or that fact that he continued. none of that is your fault. i hope you're doing okay 🫶
Kay I'm so sorry you went through that, please don't feel like you didn't do enough, it was bad enough having to deal with all that 🫂 No one was responsible for this guy's behaviour besides himself
I'm sorry this happened to you Kay. It's terrible that there are weirdos / creeps like this on the site. It is absolutely not your fault. Gonna go block him now.
like i don’t imagine one bit that you explicitly stated flirting was okay or reciprocated the flirting. good call with insta