Good news for ICUs and patients
The Intensive Care Platform Trial - INCEPT - was approved by the regulators
INCEPT is a very broad domain based, adaptive platform trial assessing everyday interventions in ICUs
1. enrolled in first domain (albumin use vs no use in shock) in april 2025
The Intensive Care Platform Trial - INCEPT - was approved by the regulators
INCEPT is a very broad domain based, adaptive platform trial assessing everyday interventions in ICUs
1. enrolled in first domain (albumin use vs no use in shock) in april 2025
-Dosing strategies for prophylactic LMWH (low vs. intermediate vs. weight-based)
-Continuos glucose monitoring (CGM) vs. usual care in pts on insulin
-Management of atrial fibrillation (amiodaron vs. digoxin vs. beta-blocker (likely))
And more in development
And with clinicians, patients, relatives (read our COS)
Funded by Sygeforsikringen Danmark and others