π»*Pollyanna is too lost in thought to listen to what the two are whispering about. Whittier. J. Whittier. ...Saint? What's even happening, none of this makes sense.*
π*The woman in the grey coat mumbles to herself.* ...bright blonde hair, with a star on the cheek...a polite looking man...and two people with red eyes...yes, it's gotta be
*She speaks up louder*
I apologize for the rather...hostile introduction. You must understand, we need to look after our own.
πThere's only so many of us left after all, we can't risk outsiders coming in and causing a ruckus. Regardless...my name is Paula. Pleasure to be of your acquaintance~
These sound like a bunch of cultist weirdo's and I don't trust them.
Pollyanna is related to the leader of these nutjobs. That means she's in danger. I'm staying. And if you value her at all, so should you.
*She speaks up louder*
I apologize for the rather...hostile introduction. You must understand, we need to look after our own.