Please do better to recognise the original artist. This piece is done by and is called Taniquetil, close up - Manwë and Melkor.
It is part of a bigger piece called Taniquetil - Manwë and Melkor
They were the oldest and should have been the closest: Manwë wanted to believe Melkor was truly reformed and so released him from Mandos. Morgoth is still out there, you know, in the Void beyond the Door of Night.
He was not raging when the Valar pulled him from the depths of Angband but sued for clemency as he did the first time; but perhaps seeing there was no reprieve this time, I can well imagine his anger and disbelief.
I know, but this time he was thrown out of the playground for good. At the first time he played coy because he knew that the other Valar would be naive and let him go after a while, but he could not expect them to be fooled twice.
It is part of a bigger piece called Taniquetil - Manwë and Melkor