I am pretty sure we're passing the +1.5C global temp threshold now. Even a complete cessation of carbon emissions can't prevent it from being breached at this point.
NPR is as much a part of the problem as the others led around by the nose by the right. FOX sets the goal posts (far to the right) and places like NPR stake territory in "the middle", which is still on the right, starting with the right-wing premise and mostly buying it.
Florida is getting pummeled with hurricanes multiple times are year and a home is practically impossible to insure. I guess conservatives like voting against their own self interest?
We appreciate the warning, but when Reagan pulled the solar panels off the roof of the White House that Carter had installed, the fight against climate change was lost.
Today, microplastics are found in the first bowel movements of human infants on every continent & they’re found in the food chain.
Humans will not
Today, microplastics are found in the first bowel movements of human infants on every continent & they’re found in the food chain.
The clock of geological time won’t even record our presence, which means dinosaurs were more successful than Homo sapiens.
Not trying to promote doom and gloom, just the facts.