From the article:
Sarah Burns: I think it's really his curiosity, and that's what leads him to want to explore everything. He's obsessed with nature and knowing everything there is to know about it, and that's what leads him down all of these different paths that, to him, are entirely connected. 1/2
Sarah Burns:
He does not see boundaries between these disciplines that today we would say, "Art is over here and science is over here." It's all part of this grand experiment to try to understand the world. 2/2
Was so looking forward to this but the subtitles were mostly impossible to read. And not being fluent in Italian nor in French, I just missed too much.
I'm looking forward to watching this documentary!
Thank you, NPR, for the article.
Leonardo DaVinci is my favorite artist/creator. I've been intrigued since I was a kid.
Also, anything by Ken Burn is sure to be a stellar production.
Sarah Burns: I think it's really his curiosity, and that's what leads him to want to explore everything. He's obsessed with nature and knowing everything there is to know about it, and that's what leads him down all of these different paths that, to him, are entirely connected. 1/2
He does not see boundaries between these disciplines that today we would say, "Art is over here and science is over here." It's all part of this grand experiment to try to understand the world. 2/2
Thank you, NPR, for the article.
Leonardo DaVinci is my favorite artist/creator. I've been intrigued since I was a kid.
Also, anything by Ken Burn is sure to be a stellar production.
ADHD. The dude literally screams ADHD.
Read the country and act accordingly.