After a shooting in Nashville last week, students are marching on the Tennessee Capitol, but the governor has called the special session to focus on school vouchers and immigration enforcement. via
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Maybe they need a trade in program. They give up their guns in exchange for thoughts and prayers. Seeing as that's what they offer victims and their families, they must think they work great.
They want indoctrination, not education. They can't separate church from state, and their idea of "church" has nothing to do with the teachings of Jesus. It is divisive, not inclusive. It feeds on marginalization, not acceptance. It is about teaching selective history that supports their narrative.
Yep. There’s the Tennessee Legislature for you. They have taken great care to protect THEMSELVES from gun violence in the Capitol, but don’t give a fying fart about anyone else. They gerrymandered themselves into power and haven’t had a creative thought since.
Bill Lee is only less disturbing than the orange one because he has less power. He’s destroying an already left-behind state and I see my Appalachian neighbors eating this 💩 with a huge smile thinking they’re winning.
I love the land here; hate the governance. The lack of education is appalling.
And these children that you spit on
As they try to change their worlds
Are immune to your consultations
They're quite aware of what they're goin' through
Lucky for these kids, they will affect real change!
Just kidding, actually, a future congressman/congresswoman will stalk them for views on YouTube, accusing them of being something made up, like “crisis actors.”
Governor Lee laser focused on issues that do not improve school safety or quality of education. School vouchers are simply a wealth transfer to people who don’t need it while satisfying his intent to further blur the line between religion and state.
The worst and most corrupt Governor in Tennessee History!!
His own poor daughter almost took her life with a gun, then Covenant, and now Antioch. So much death and violence in our state and he won’t life a finger. Instead he pushes voucher scams that no one wants.
Republicans want to control a woman and her body until a fetus is born. Then they don’t give a shit about you after you are born. It’s crazy people don’t understand this. They literally do not care what happens to anyone that has been born but they make sure to control pregnant women. It’s insane.
The Republican state legislators there don't care about the kids or their lives
If they won't act with common sense gun legislation then they should build schools like prisons, high walls, tall fences with razor wire, guards & cavity searches for tiny amounts of drugs
Two years later:
“Now is still not the time.”
I’m detecting a trend….
I love the land here; hate the governance. The lack of education is appalling.
As they try to change their worlds
Are immune to your consultations
They're quite aware of what they're goin' through
~ David Bowie
Just kidding, actually, a future congressman/congresswoman will stalk them for views on YouTube, accusing them of being something made up, like “crisis actors.”
His own poor daughter almost took her life with a gun, then Covenant, and now Antioch. So much death and violence in our state and he won’t life a finger. Instead he pushes voucher scams that no one wants.
If they won't act with common sense gun legislation then they should build schools like prisons, high walls, tall fences with razor wire, guards & cavity searches for tiny amounts of drugs