Okay best name for him - good work. In addition to the problems with media in America, it seems like in any other country. People on mass will protest but not there? And Dems are rudderless without a leader (but AOC is speaking up 🙏 and mobilizing behind the scenes)
There are a lot of protests, just not being covered. I live in New York City so where I live there is always mobilization. I can't speak to anywhere else.
It’s disturbing! I watch a lot of news from Asia, the UK, France etc and there are lots of protests against extremism governments and there is lots of coverage of domestic and foreign protests… What are your favourite news sources?
That means vouchers. Vouchers mean money goes from public education to private schools that may or may not good. It's a huge problem for public education.
In fact, it's one of the reasons our kids' English, math, and other measures continue to decrease over time. Our schools are so under-funded, it's ridiculous. But this bogus voucher garbage is one of the biggest nails in the coffin. It doesn't help that Ed.D.'s, are a joke!
Privatizing education. They know that a solid education is a key to unlocking doors. Now they want to lock the door behind them while profiting off of sub-par charter & private schools. Most of the time public schools outrank others because they use ALL funding for education without investors.
No. If people want to put their kids in private schools, they need to foot the entire bill for it themselves. No more robbing public schools to fund private schools with public funds.
Choice is a lie. The best you can get is a chance to express a preference. When a school is full, it’s full. It is just a ploy and benefits those with resources to game the system.
This is a way for the government to take funding from public education to pay for parents to send child to private school. The continued dumbing down of children penalized for living in poor rural communities. Money grab from those who are least able to fight.
In other words he directed several departments to redirect funds meant for public schools into the bank accounts of people who run bullshit “charter” and private schools.
That's why public schools are always needing more money, they keep giving it to choice schools, which most of these people can afford to send to private school but somehow get the state to pay their voucher.
Right? Voters in my state just repealed a school choice bill by 57% on Nov. Now State lawmakers are trying to override the will of the people. They've introduced 6 laws this session to redirect State tax $ into private school systems.
Schools are already navigating a budget crisis. This will have devastating consequences for all kids. Shame on republicans turning the future of kids into a political circus.
"School Choice" = "Funnel taxpayers money into conservative private pockets while indoctrinating children and making PROFIT!". Besides most private schools cost more than the "voucher" provides. Some kids just don't go to school which is WHAT THEY WANT! Education for the wealthy - ONLY.
“President Trump invited proposals to divert public funds from public schools to well-off families in a way that makes his lower-income supporters think that smaller education budgets equals freedom and opportunity for their children.”
This administration will go down as the most catastrophic mistake in American history. See ya to the America we grew up in. Hello to whatever the fuck this piece of shit place is.
Millennial vet here. Yes it is. We slaughtered civilians in the Middle East, a conflict that wouldn’t exist without Reagan arming Iraq and Iran and radicalizing mujahideen terrorists via the cia. We instated numerous fascist govs, and killed/tortured our own people in medical experiments. We’re bad.
I don’t even think it’s a matter of “buy your shit box” anymore. We are seeing neo imperialism, and with it a Trump branding of neo-fascism that mirrors Hitler’s pacing
It's all in the Project 2025 plan, how can you possibly expect them to manipulate the people if they actually learn to think for themselves. "School choice" is the only accepted indoctrination for the religious right and GOP.
"School choice" = my taxes going to private (mostly Christian) schools. As an atheist, I object. If a child has special needs not served by their local public school, my taxes should go towards serving those needs, not towards funding a private institution.
So...schools for the faux rich. So they do not have to be around the "rabble" that do the work in their neighborhood. Carve out the small towns and suburbs with "real American values" against the "infected" americans of poor descendants, creed, color, or religion. How Maoist.
"School choice" my ass. This is clearly an attempt to fund highly questionable private schools at the expense of public school funding. Wealthier kids get to go to private schools, and the poor and working class kids suffer more funding losses in their schools.
The Federal govt doesn’t fund schools. Less than 15 % of school funding is from the Feds and is used to support special ed. student needs. Which is the opposite of who school vouchers support.
Greg Abbott, Dan Patrick, Ken Paxton will be happy about this, I’m sure. Me, I miss Ann Richards. How can we break the Republican strong hold here in Texas?
Right out of project 2025. If you want to know what your future looks like, you best read up. Or if you want to change things it is imperative you read it
There's no way Trump is behind all this. The man is dumber than a bucket of rocks. But it couldn't be the folks from Project 2025 because he doesn't know them.
Let me fix this for you @npr.org The president directed several departments to submit plans for siphoning public tax dollars away from public schools and into the pockets of private companies owned by supporters.
Yes, exactly that - only fund schools that teach fragile white supremacist values (i.e. saying slavery was a good thing because slaves learned skills, and they also sang songs so they must have been happy as slaves).
Disappointed NPR used the phrase “school choice”. This is the GOP’s re-worked framing of the unpopular and unsuccessful voucher programs. Words and language matter, NPR.
Unspoken choice: leave your privileged, “unique” darlings to languish in “their”public system or, pay to ensconce them in schools of choice, where tuition buys the grade inflation that reinforces/ensures privilege and place in “our”elitist inner circles.
Of course he did. Who needs Head Start and Special Education when you have school choice? I'll tell you does, poor people, minorities and disabled kids. If anyone doesn't see that this agenda doesn't give a shit about people who are struggling and need help... then you are blind and misguided.
In other words, to DESTROY Public Education give it to religious zealots and greedy for-profit corporations. Just look at what private colleges did to students in the thousands FRAUD! Just like Trump University now closed due to FRAUD!
There will be no school choice for minorities. Greg Abbott is trying to do the same thing in Texas. He’s saying the recipients of private school vouchers will be drawn from a lottery. There is one private school in my county & it’s K-8th grade. It’s an Episcopal school. Rural towns have none.
Everything Republicans do is about taking our tax money and giving to the ultra rich who pay no to little taxes. We should tax the rich and invest in making our education system excellent, not drain money out of it so the rich get discounted boarding school tuition!
NPR, can we point out that "school choice" is a euphemism for defunding public education? It means funding private schools, increasing segregation in schools, and not offering services for special needs kids.
Lets fix that headline, "Trump orders unconstitutional use of Federal Money collected via Federal Taxation." It is like NPR has forgotten how to report news.
So now our Federal tax dollars are going to support private schools. Trump and his Maga cult see this as an opportunity to provide students with information only acceptable to their way of thinking. Disinformation will be taught and our nation will continue in its downward intellectual spiral.
“School choice” is a complicated mine field. Charter schools used to be in the left’s domain. I am a leftist and also a teacher and I worked at an amazing charter organization after I had to file a labor grievance against the district. Vouchers benefit the wealthy as we know…
Gutting all public education to divert money to for- profit private and charter schools . So no consistency, no oversight, and they can teach all the magat qAnon BS they want. Nothing is more a threat to our country than this.
Would use of vouchers require private schools to also follow the new anti-trans and patriot-indoctrination guidelines required of k-12 schools that receive federal funding?
Perfectly and succinctly explained. I may steal it. Thanks!
Fixed your headline.
This is directing our tax dollars to private schools under the branding of "school choice," which only further troubles public schools.
Fixed it for ya.
* Poorly funded public schools with strictly limited lessons
* Better funded private schools with strictly limited lessons, only available to wealthier and preferably white students
* Kids working in a factory for less than minimum wage...what do the poors need schooling for anyway?!
Let’s finally admit that not all parental concern—though well meaning—is healthy.
This does not lower the price of eggs.
The Price of Eggs
Here's a start: