Not coincidentally, violent crimes are typically the purview of men. Wait that can’t be right. Women are the emotional ones, right? Don’t trust those emotional women who can talk through the tough shit, have empathy and find solutions that benefit everyone capable of communicating their shit. Huh.
There's a bit of a difference between crying during movies and seeing your friends get murdered when you're like 12 years old, which is who this program is primarily for
Not sure why this gender war bs is always brought up e everywhere
Funny, when you have something you can twist into a pretzel to blame on dems, it's go time, but when someone offers specific & concrete ideas on how to actually address a problem you become mr hands-off.
It's almost like you don't give a fuck about real problems & just want window-dressing.
I was thinking something similar about you. You don't actually care about kids getting hurt and killed. You just want to shoehorn Trump into everything.
No, it actually wasn't. Also, we've been telling you that cop money should be spent on programs like this that *do* reduce violence & crime, but you don't actually care.
Also, since you're too thick to actually learn anything, the entire Punisher story is based on cops failing Frank's family.
I suggest everyone listen to What Happened to You audiobook with Oprah Winfrey. It helps to understand the perpetuance of violence due to poor love and nurturing and or violence during the first 6 months after birth. Neuro psychologist explains the impact on the brain.
Wow. Surprised of the negative reaction to CBT which can work when also addressing the social determinants of health. I worked 40 years trying to shut down juvenile jails.
CBT, dismissing emotional support therapy, and then having to add it to their therapy toolbox because telling clients to stop thinking and acting irrationally somehow didn't work ...
That’s progress, but part of the 90s was adults explicitly bragging about how many children they locked up, to the point that it turned into multiple tv hits.
Yeah, both of those were terrible programs that just made money for corrupt adults. DARE claims they’ve changed their approach, but I skipped their assembly when I was in school because I knew who they were, so I can’t confirm whether that’s true.
I guess the point I was trying to make is that while it’s great that prison rates are going down, it may not mean the crime rate is lower because a significant percentage of those kids were locked up for general mischief or no crime at all.
That is what I was saying. Cognitive behavior programs should be implemented. In my current state of Oklahoma, such a thing is banned from schools and etc. they don’t allow social emotional learning curriculums
There is a tremendous shortage of them here. Last year they passed a bill that would allow public schools to hire chaplains to perform some of the duties of school counselors. The bill defines a chaplain as “a pastor, minister, priest, or other religious leader” 🙃
a friend was working in a similar program in NYC for about 15 years. it doesn't work. the thugs will keep thugging and the very idea of honest 9-5 work and being a productive member of society is a joke to them. they mostly pretended to participate in this court-mandated program to stay out of jail
Probably because violence also comes when systemic problems aren't addressed and people have no hope. You can't CBT people out of poverty and generational trauma.
Not sure why this gender war bs is always brought up e everywhere
Remember that.
It's almost like you don't give a fuck about real problems & just want window-dressing.
Also, since you're too thick to actually learn anything, the entire Punisher story is based on cops failing Frank's family.
Gotta keep those beds full somehow I guess.
Juveniles at risk can learn to heal from trauma. I know this works, it’s the work I did for 30 years.
Emotional pressure is destabilizing them.
A lot of adults are preying on them and backing them into a corner.
The human need to "fit in" is appealing and powerful.
The article we're commenting on says it was locally funded.