I didn't encounter this issue. I'm using Firefox with AdBlock and had zero ads on the page. Unblocking ads on that page showed me only a couple in-line ads, no pop-ups.
Not a fan of how the researcher basically says "We can't know what the animal is thinking, therefore we assume the animal can't think and is only acting out of instinct."
That kind of detached dismissal of animal intelligence, in an animal with *well documented* intelligence, is complete BS.
Helps us understand the evolution of the brain, which may help us learn to treat mental and psychological disorders, physical diseases of the brain like Alzheimer's, etc. We can't experiment on humans, so we use close analogues like Mice (which are some of our closest cousins outside of Primates.)
If you need me to explain to you why non-human animals showing empathy towards others is an exciting and scientifically important discovery then I’m afraid you lack creativity and fascination bro
Some scientists will really bend over backwards (Mason) to continue the lie that mice and rats are automatons, rather than the highly intelligent, sensitive creatures they are. This is a coping mechanism to deal with the guilt of torturing and killing thousands of sentient beings for their “jobs”.
You should stop using any medications you are on, even ibuprofen, if you’re so against the use of animals in medical research. Animal use is currently at the lowest on record btw.
Look a social species has some instinctual helping behavior toward other members of its species in distress. Here's the observable behavioral and biophysical data to support this
Curmudgeonly scientist: that doesn't show that they are intending to help
NPR is running full page ads now?
That kind of detached dismissal of animal intelligence, in an animal with *well documented* intelligence, is complete BS.
What exactly does that do for us?
I’m having a very bad day.
I’m convinced it’s true 🐁💜🐁
Fuck. I'll stop calling Republicans rats from here forward. What an undeserved comparison.
Does anyone know a cowardly animal with no compassion, empathy, or integrity that i can use to compare it with Republicans?
Curmudgeonly scientist: that doesn't show that they are intending to help