At almost every high school in America, the senior prom is put on by the senior class officers. It’s not an official school function. The senior class has to pay for it. How much the tickets cost typically depends on how good a job class officers do raising money (car washes, etc).
Then either your class officers did a really good job raising money for four years, or you had a really cheap venue like the gym, or some local benefactor donated, or some combination of those. I guarantee it.
Alice’s Kids is an amazing charity that gives with dignity. Most of their inquiries come from teachers/social workers etc that request $100 here, $75 there to cover cost of band instrument rental, fee for field trip, summer bus passes, etc for students w/ families experiencing economic hardship.
imagine a social safety net in which we did not have to rely on rich folks for stuff like this...we can build that. No more corporate-backed or PAC-funded politicians. Don't vote for them anymore folks
Children deserve fun and whimsy. Many of them lost everything, so a night to allow them to be children and not miss what’s considered a right of passage for many high schoolers will be great for their mentality. The little things matter to kids.
For those of you who think this is tone deaf similar charities stepped up to provide a prom for Lahainaluna High School after the Maui fires. It means something to kids who lost everything and can’t afford dresses and tuxes.
It is a nice gesture. On the other hand, maybe we've (as a society) over-hyped a high school dance a little too much. Where I live, I discovered to my horror that every local high school broadcasts every student entering their prom and the local newspapers devote pages to the student "looks." Gross.
Maybe we have, but let's remember how we were when we were young. For many, our little world was our high school friends and family. All the stuff going on outside wasn't considered much, if at all. Let these kids, Michael Scott's helping, have their time amidst all the chaos and mayhem.
I mean yeah that specifically is really gross, but a night to get dressed up and have fun as a right of passage and celebrating your last bits of high school is something all kids deserve
People need food.