This is very interesting. So sad that so much of what makes sense is represented by minorities. Peaceful people going about their lives doing no harm to anyone or anything. What we stand for is always a choice we make - hopefully an informed choice. Thank you for this story.
Zionism is fascism ~ Ironic but true
Most Jews oppose Zionism
They need to be more vocal
They need to denounce Netanyahu
This will ease antisemitism
Palestinians and Jews are Semitic
Most American Jews and a large portion of Israelis oppose Netanyahu & his gov’t. A majority of secular Jews have a qualified expectation of Israel but continue to support its right to exist. Likewise,millions of Americans don’t support the current government but support the USA existence.
Yes. We want freedom of choice
To marry people of anther faith without having to leave our home; to take pride in our country and to live with a feeling of belonging
Tikkun Olam
If one's religion is Judiasm, it doesn't make one Israeli. They are separate and distinct. If a person's family origin is a specific country and the person's religion is Judiasm, then that person shouldn't be identified as ethnically Jewish. It's all part of world bias.
Following 9/11 every muslim and imam in the US was badgered to "denounce the Taliban" over, and over, and over.
It's heartening to see so many of our Jewish neighbors now resisting the terrorism in their name.
I wish this were true but no. The “religious Jews” you’re thinking of are a small minority of Orthodox Jews who hate women and only don’t like Israel cause it isn’t the messianic age yet. If the messiah came they’d be 100% fine with what Israel is doing
Historically, both liberal and conservative religious Jews have opposed Zionism. Yes, conservatives are waiting for the messianic age & believe Messiah will do to the Arabs exactly what Israel is doing now. That's why it's embarrassing to see Palestinian supporters praising these people..
It's not that, Zionism is secular and inherently Marxist/Socialist, these people believe that Israel can only be formed under religious principles by a priestly class or a monarchy like the House Of David
You do realize that Zionism is simply a belief that Jews have a right to self-determination, like Russians, Ukrainians, Japanese, Vietnamese, ..., Arabs in 22 states ethnically cleansed of Jews & -yes- Palestinians, that denying this right to Jews only is a plain old antisemitism & racism?
'Supporting a Jewish nation state' is very different than 'supporting a Jewish nation state at the expense of Palestine'. Calling 'antisemitism' when one criticizes the *methods and cruelty* of Israel is total bullcrap, not a denial of Israel as a nation. All for a fair, compassionate Israel.
I have never understood the Christian side. Supposedly, Christians are against any religion that does not believe in Jesus Christ. Yet, they support Israel, only because of the belief that Jesus was born there, even though he is Jewish. I could never figure that out.
Thank you for this insightful reporting, I wish there was more of this type of complex dialogue, the simple binaries ppl use to discuss Israel/Palestine are so limiting and exhausting
This is important.
We can't let this genocide harden our hearts.
We can't muddle Zionist-killers in with general people of the Jewish faith.
We can't let hate win.
Judaism is an ethnic religion.
Jews are an ethnic group practicing that religion (or not).
Zionism is a belief that Jews have a right to self-determination no more & no less than any other ethnic group, incl Arabs in 22 states & Palestinians in their future state (all ethnically cleansed of Jews).
Jews are white when it's bad to be white, they are not white when it's good to be white.
I can't help it if, in an attempt to justify your antisemitism, you want to smear with "white supremacy" people that whites persecuted for two millennia.
Nice try. Calling everyone antisemitic isn't working anymore. Why not focus on the actual antisemites? The ones ADL doesn't seem to have a problem with like Nazi-supporting Elon Musk?
Einstein also said Israel shouldn't exist as a religious state. People say things. Are Christians also an ethnic group? They share the same history and ancestry with Jews?
1. 🇮🇱 is a Jewish state, it is not a religious state & Einstein supported the creation of 🇮🇱.
2. Can a DNA test determine one's Christian ancestry? An ancestry distinct from German, Swedish, Russian etc? If it could then & if most Christians shared the same culture & history, the answer would be yes.
No. It really really isn't. Zionism is the belief that the Jewish people will found a new Holy Land, usually argued to be built upon Jerusalem. It's frequently held in conjunction with the idea if the Apocalypse, a far out Christian Idea.
I am certain that apocalyptic Christian zealots are as hateful as the Islamic zealots (though today the former are less ready to kill Jews with their bare hands).
That does not change the fact that Zionism is simply a belief that Jews have a right to self-determination like any other ethnic group.
Do you ever engage with facts?
Jews declared a state on legally purchased land in our historic homeland from which we were ethnically cleansed many times, land where Jews were a majority.
Several other ethnic groups have full citizenship rights.
Re: ethnic cleansing of Jews from all Arab countries.
Israel is more diverse than any Arab country. It is more diverse than many Western democracies.
As far as the future Palestine goes - it will certainly be Judenrein (just like every single Arab country today) and the world has no problem with that.
Oh yes you guys let some token Palestinians exist as servants and cleaners lmao, might as well hold up Apartheid South Africa as a bastion of diversity
Calling out another country from relative safety space is a chickenshit approach to a centuries old problem. I don't support Israel's aggression but Jews simply cannot return to the countries that tried to erase their existence in Europe and the Middle East.
Of course, not. Netanyahu's government has to go. But don't condemn a country for the actions of its leaders. You do live here, don't you? I don't want to be blamed for Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan let alone the erasure of our indigenous tribes or the enslavement of blacks.
Netanyahu employs Zionists to support his criminal activities. Likewise, Trump uses Christian Nationalists to gain nefarious power
Israel must overcome this mingling of religion & politics just as USA struggles to maintain separation.
Iran is struggling as well. Religious governments are fascistic
Strictly speaking, most everyone in Israel is a Zionist because they live there as opposed to the segment of our population that is quietly undermining our country's Constitution. Yes, religion has to go. Try getting the rest of the world to agree with us.
I'm Jewish and I have a tree in Israel from my bas mitzvah, and as long as you're kind to all kind, love in heart, human, and ethical, I love you. You're a friend forever.
How about this concession: everyone gives up their bullshit fake ass religions and we all live in peace forever? Sounds good to me. Why worship some phony god who won’t let you fuck or drink or turn on an appliance after sunset? Doesn’t a world without religion sound much better?
I get what you’re saying, but there’s no rule banning Jews from fucking after sunset lol. As a matter of fact it can be considered a mitzvah, especially if it’s on Shabbat and/or with the intention of having children.
Or let them not have to fuck through a sheet. Whatever. The point is that all these fake ass rules are a sham and most people find ways to get around them as if they’ve figured out how to pull a fast one on the creator of the universe.
Like individual rabbis who gathered in protest of the violence and deprivation that Palestinians continue to experience, it's good to see entire faith communities form around these universalist trends.
People can oppose the Trump regime and still be American. Similarly, people can support Israel’s right to exist as a nation state (Zionism) and still oppose the Netanyahu regime and its actions in Gaza and persecution of Palestinians. A minuscule minority of Jews are genuinely anti Zionist.
I agree—Israel is an established state, and the “right to exist” debate is outdated. In 1948, I would’ve questioned it. Zionists expelled nearly a million Arabs to create it. You can’t establish a Jewish state in Palestine without ethnic cleansing. Many Jews oppose Zionism for that reason.
They can love Palestinians all they want. But Palestinians will always hate Jews no matter what their beliefs or actions. All majority Arab states expelled or killed native Jews and most Christians. Political Islam is intolerant. All non believers are infidels.
Please avoid distorting history and spreading disinformation. Personal animosity toward Islam doesn’t justify influencing others negatively. If you’re uncertain about the facts, take the time to learn. Let’s collaborate to share the truth and promote peace.
For example, the Covenant of Umar in 638 CE granted protection to non-Muslims. Additionally, under the Umayyads of Al-Andalus, Muslims, Christians, and Jews coexisted, fostering a rich cultural and intellectual environment.
Jews and Christians have lived in Islamic countries like Egypt, Iran, and Iraq without issue. Historically, Jews faced persecution primarily in Europe, not in Muslim-majority countries. The Crusaders were not Muslim. Muslims have a history of justice and generosity.
I disagree entirely. You can hate Islam, but you can’t change history. Jews, Christians, and Muslims lived together under Ottoman rule. They welcomed Sephardic Jews after Spain’s 1492 expulsion and gave them protection. The conflict began with British and Zionist efforts to colonize Palestine.
It's OK to be anti-zionist. Zionism is the belief in a Jewish Homeland. It's a moot point, now, because there is a Jewish homeland, Israel. Being anti-zionist, today, is like saying, "I don't believe in NYC, we should move all the Broadway theaters to Syracuse."
Being anti-Israel government is also OK. The Israeli govt does a lot of things I don't agree with. So does the American government . I am anti-USA in many things right now. I use my words and my wallet and my vote to express my opinion on these actions.
The only thing that is NOT OK, is antisemitism. You can say "I hate Netanyahou because he's an asshole." BUT you CANNOT say, "I hate Netanyahou because he is Jewish." And you certainly can't say you hate me and all other Jews just because Netanyahou is an asshole.
To summarize:
¹) It doesn't matter what you think of Zionism. That train has left the station.
²) You can criticize the acts of any nation or State with protest, boycott, elections or civil disobedience.
³) You cannot condemn an entire group for acts by individuals who happen to be in that group.
Believing Palestinian have human rights and there should be an equitable Palestinian state is a Jewish value.
The inability of these people to not thread this simple needle is telling. Talk about self hating Jews.
Most Jews oppose Zionism
They need to be more vocal
They need to denounce Netanyahu
This will ease antisemitism
Palestinians and Jews are Semitic
To marry people of anther faith without having to leave our home; to take pride in our country and to live with a feeling of belonging
Tikkun Olam
It's heartening to see so many of our Jewish neighbors now resisting the terrorism in their name.
Modern Jews have never known Judaism without the zionist taint. So this is the tune they've danced to since WWII.
The zionist movement is a racist militant entity that is NOT a apart of Judaism proper. Israel is a zionist state.
Avoid it.
Also God will reveal himself so an atheist like you shouldn't worry.
Zionists made deals with the Nazis to be spared and to come collonise Palestine while abandonning their fellow Jews to their fate...
Zionists stole the land Israel is on right now, this isnt about Jews self determination.
What am I talking about?!? You’re a potato. My bad.
that explains the lack of empathy
We can't let this genocide harden our hearts.
We can't muddle Zionist-killers in with general people of the Jewish faith.
We can't let hate win.
Jews are an ethnic group practicing that religion (or not).
Zionism is a belief that Jews have a right to self-determination no more & no less than any other ethnic group, incl Arabs in 22 states & Palestinians in their future state (all ethnically cleansed of Jews).
I can't help it if, in an attempt to justify your antisemitism, you want to smear with "white supremacy" people that whites persecuted for two millennia.
A plurality of Jews in the world will agree with Einstein who said they he is a Jew by nationality not by religion.
2. Can a DNA test determine one's Christian ancestry? An ancestry distinct from German, Swedish, Russian etc? If it could then & if most Christians shared the same culture & history, the answer would be yes.
Zionism is a modern secular national liberation movement, one of many founded in the 19th century.
Apocalyptic Christian antisemitism has nothing in common with either.
That does not change the fact that Zionism is simply a belief that Jews have a right to self-determination like any other ethnic group.
If you have to kill people to get their land, that is colonialism.
Liberation? Ha.
Jews declared a state on legally purchased land in our historic homeland from which we were ethnically cleansed many times, land where Jews were a majority.
Several other ethnic groups have full citizenship rights.
Re: ethnic cleansing of Jews from all Arab countries.
you are a liar
you are a bigot who hates people with empathy
As far as the future Palestine goes - it will certainly be Judenrein (just like every single Arab country today) and the world has no problem with that.
So what were you saying about Lebensraum?
Israel must overcome this mingling of religion & politics just as USA struggles to maintain separation.
Iran is struggling as well. Religious governments are fascistic
They fought British occupation together.
Zionist are to Jews as Christian Nationalists are to Americans
Mixing religion with government is fatal to peace
Free Palestine
friend of the orange man in the white house is my enemy
Being anti-Israel government is also OK. The Israeli govt does a lot of things I don't agree with. So does the American government . I am anti-USA in many things right now. I use my words and my wallet and my vote to express my opinion on these actions.
¹) It doesn't matter what you think of Zionism. That train has left the station.
²) You can criticize the acts of any nation or State with protest, boycott, elections or civil disobedience.
³) You cannot condemn an entire group for acts by individuals who happen to be in that group.