NPR's speaks with Rep. Greg Landsman, a lawmaker who signed a letter to Secretary of State Marco Rubio asking whether a database of Ukrainian children abducted by Russia had been deleted.
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It matters little, Putin has already been charged with war crimes regarding this. The ongoing monitoring is so we can know if he actually stops when he says he does. It also matters little because neither the US nor Russia are signatories to the ICC. The US is even suing the ICC over Netanyahu crges
What children DO we protect?! Not children in schools, not children in hospitals, not children in Gaza, not children with AIDS, not children in Ukraine. I'm really missing who we are protecting these days.
The unborn ones. They only care about the ones that haven't been born yet. Once they're born, they're screwed. No matter how many of us try and try, people like Elon Musk will always exist.
It costs about $500k just for him to fly AF1 home each way. It costs about $.80 to feed a child for a day.
Remember that as any president jets around the world in AF1, it costs a lot of money and they are absolutely not supposed to use it for personal use. Personal use should be commercial and the Obama's flew commercial for a vacation to Hawaii.
Comparatively, it's minor but him flying home is illegal
So the regime is defunding tracking of kidnapped Ukrainian children and deleting data that could help find them, as well as deleting data that incriminates Russia. Why am I not surprised?
Because Trump committed the same war crimes during his 1st admin but we weren't at war. Trump kidnapped every child at the border and indiscriminately adopted them into American families - a war crime that Putin has been charged with and this program monitors.
Who knows what they are doing with the data? What are their qualifications? Do they know that a database like this isn’t static and someone needs to be maintaining the tracking? 😡
It’s all about power. Take away a database - you’re so strong!?? Completely a waste of everyone’s time and energy. I’d like to kick the orange felon and Musk in the balls right now.
Can someone please tell me how Christians can support such a ghoulish move, cutting funds used to track Ukrainian children abducted by Russian invaders?
Christianity just so happened to be the most politically useful cult at the time for Roman Emperor and man who murdered his entire family "Saint Justinian". It was always just a lie to control the masses. The runner up under consideration was a snake with a doll on it's head.
It was very kind of Constantine's mother tho to clear up so many historical designations in the region. At least we know what rock is what in terms of the Jesus stuff
Doing something like this either comes from pure evil or a sense of obligation to someone who has total control over the president, and honestly, I’m not sure which is worse.
Folks, I give you the party that screams "think of the children!" when a Disney movie has a lesbian couple peck each other on the lips for 0.2 seconds.
Please watch and rewatch this movie, in the U.S. Archives from the #DontBeASucker a reminder of how the Nazis conned their country into becoming the cause of mass murder and all the other horrors that Nazis unleash. The lessons are true for the USA🇺🇸 , in 2025
If the database of kidnapped Ukrainian children cannot be retrieved those responsible are complicit in the genocide that Russia is committing against Ukraine.
Putin has been charged with war crimes for this. Trump is covering b/c he did the same thing during his 1st admin. He kidnapped every child at the border and adopted them indiscriminately into American families. Our allies threatened to sanction us like Russia - twice.
This is monitoring what Putin has been charged with war crimes for. Trump essentially committed the same war crimes before but we weren't at war. He kidnapped every child at the border and adopted them indiscriminately into American families. Our allies threatened to sanction us like Russia - twice
Anything to do with Russia is deleted. This is no shock. The bigger issue is we have hundreds of voted in lawmakers that don’t give a shit about what this man is doing. Oh ya Trump was voted in as well by the American people.
What can be done to stop all this?? If this and so many more things don’t move the GOP to action what will? There seems to be know way of shaming them. Something has got to give. What will it take??
Just heard this story. You can just hear the defeat in Rep Landsman’s voice. Even if someone can get the database back ,WHO is maintaining the tracking ? And is someone fucking with the data? It’s so horrendous that this is even wasting our precious time, money and energy! For what purpose?
I've been thinking too much about how much of a disaster it's going to be to try to reestablish all the data that has been destroyed. Will be lucky if we can get half of it back.
It is, which tears my heart apart, because I spent 15 years in the army, most of it guarding against a Soviet invasion of Germany. And here we are. Aiding and abetting our biggest enemy.
We need stricter process that oversees the impracticality of doing such things that make no sense what so ever. We have handed the keys over to the patients in an assylum. Skeleton keys were for honest people. There was a time everyone had a skeleton key to their homes. Bad guys find ways around.
If that database was deleted then is that aiding and abetting a war crime? Not that anyone get's held accountable for anything anyway these days, but still...
Yeah but what a waste of time. Who is keeping the tracking up? A database like this isn’t static? I want to know WHO exactly has it and how they are dealing with it right now. It’s not okay to play with people’s lives like we are a game.
And when this admin tells you they have a database to track something don’t believe them. They had to admit in court after lying to congress that they didn’t have the records to reunite families separated at the border.
Well in that case I completely understand why they deleted the missing Ukrainian children database. Silly me forgetting this is the second time they have deliberately lost children.
The so called president isa stone cold killer. He is a monster. He is the worst of the worst. And yet, they wave their red hats as he strips the skin from their very bones.
It costs about $500k just for him to fly AF1 home each way. It costs about $.80 to feed a child for a day.
So, like 1.25 million children could eat for a day if Trump skipped going home to play golf once.
Comparatively, it's minor but him flying home is illegal
I hope it is not deleted.
Did we find al the children separate from parents while in US?
"So, the Trump administration's zero tolerance policy, we know from your reporting, separated more than 5,000 children from their parents with no process for reuniting them."
Trump is literally the look-out man.
Trump assists Russia in kidnapping of Ukrainian children, by not finding the tracking of those children.
Shows the sheer evil our government is now condoning--it was, until today, actively opposing the abduction of children and other war crimes.
America is no longer a force for good. We aren't even trying anymore.