last night i had a vivid dream that I was Shen Jiu from scum villain, except I still lived in my IRL apartment and interacting with everyone from my IRL life, and I was responsible for a baby


and like, usually when I dream about babies it's a horrible nightmare or stress dream! thematically what happens is that i'll remember i have a baby out of nowhere and then realize with a cold chill that i've forgotten to feed it.

But not as Shen Jiu!
As Shen Jiu, I was impatient, irate, and felt vaguely that the baby could stand to toughen up, so I didn't worry at ALL about whether the baby would be okay when I fell asleep drunk and then woke up hungover and looked for it at the bottom of a heap of blankets
I was like "he'll be fine, it's whatever," and then the baby was fine, and it was whatever!
i recognize this would be a terrible way to treat a real baby, but in my dreams where the baby is a metaphor for some kind of responsibility i'm angsting about, it was kind of beautiful
the whole dream i was feeding the baby from bottles of coca cola
i did at one point think vaguely, like, "should I be feeding this baby coca cola?" but then my Shen Jiu brain stepped in and was like "don't worry about it," and I was like okay! and kept feeding the baby coca cola

but the whole dream the baby looked happy! he liked his coca cola