An interesting article from The Atlantic on the decline of music listening quality. Audiophiles out there will know what they are talking about.

The difference between tiny bluetooth speakers and a decent stereo system is profound.


I ran into a similar realization about the state of the listening experience just after Xmas when I tried to replace my living room 5.1 setup. Turns out the consumer market has entirely shifted toward the dreaded soundbar. Worse yet, I admitted defeat and bought one (with a sub, at least.)
My AV receiver died last year, but a well rated soundbar, returned it, I just couldn’t. Bought a replacement AV receiver. I just wish I had room for my tower speakers, but no place in this house.
Yeah, I had been using a Bluray player / 5.1 amp combo unit, but it died. I figured I could just find a new receiver and use the existing speakers but the options were surprisingly slim and all outside of my budget. The soundbar is convenient but sonically just a step above the TV’s speakers.
It’s not easy these days to find sound equipment. I still have my 80’s stereo system with Bose 301’s. still sounds good but am looking at slowly upgrading some components. Not a lot of variety out there and what is there is pricey.