Jey winning makes sense for his underdog story with Gunther. Fans like participating and Yeeting. He'll win at WM but his reign won't last. A spirited entrance and catchphrase can only hold up sloppy/mid in-ring work and lousy *breath* mic *breath* skills *breath* for so long.
Jey winning is someone different and I'm all for seeing how he goes but having Charlotte win on her first match back nah there are plenty of other woman who deserve it more guess something don't change in wwe do they
Jay is over until he wrestles which i know for new fans is whatever, but it does matter. Gunther is good but he can't make miracles. Charlotte is a choice...
I can see why they had Roxanna perfectly set up for a win but they go for the boring option and Jay being a winner is just a joke. Im sure everyone can’t wait for a 35 min match with jays offensive being just super kicks, hip attacks and the occasional splash.
Wah Wah Wah Wah. He's the most over dude in the company. He deserves it. He's had countless great matches over the years and wrestling is about more than in ring work. Cry more
Is he? He has his catchphrase which is ok but kinda annoying after a while. I watched he’s last match against Gunter and it was boring not to mention the god awful match he had last time at wrestlemaina.
Charlotte was predictable. Plus it's pretty much a given that she's going for Tiffany. But what happened during the Rumble is the true story with building up Roxanne!
Jey was a HUGE surprise and I know I'm absolutely excited about. He's come a long way and definitely deserves this opportunity!
Deal with it.
Who else would you suggest main eventing WM? Roxanne Perez? Really? Get TF outta here.
His lousy in-ring and *breath* weak *breath* mic *breath* "skills" *breath* will bring him back down to earth by summer.
Two dozen (not-so) superkicks, a sloppy spear and a splash will not make WM magic.
Jey was a HUGE surprise and I know I'm absolutely excited about. He's come a long way and definitely deserves this opportunity!