1. Yohas was impressed to see a qunari for the first time, he always had an attraction for big men/women, and here was a dude whose boobs were at Yohas's eye level. So Yohas felt a curiosity, but he didn't want to flirt at first, he wanted to show himself as a serious, responsible Inquisitor...
Bull was impressed too. Because a redhaired elf riding a horse and shooting Venatori with a bow is hot. And because Yohas said to his horse "good boy". And I swear Bull definitely left the comment about a redheads because he saw too well HOW Yohas looked at him, trying to remain serious
2) If we talk about the final realization of love, not infatuation, then for Yohas it was during their dance in the Winter Palace. By that time they had been in a relationship for a long time, had experienced many events and Yohas trusted him completely
Bull began to catch himself on these thoughts during the dance too. Because he felt and noticed Yohas's love for him. But the final point for him was when Yohas was absolutely broken by the fact of the death of his clan, and Bull realized that he only wanted Yohas to be able to smile again
3) Bull, because it's very difficult for Yohas to say these words (he has an irrational fear that if he says them, something bad will happen). Bull realizes this, so he acts first, but Yohas shows his love in all other ways
4) At first they would actively say ambiguous things to each other, and then pretend that there was no flirting. But in their relationship they both just constantly compliment each other and make dirty jokes, both are absolutely shameless about this, which sometimes irritates those around them