My biggest concern with all of this is whoever comes in next will have to reverse and undo all of this chaos, and who knows how tf long that's gonna take. Sick of living in this ping pong game from hell
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Naw, we won't have to worry about that. He's not going to transfer power back. He's King now and his sons will be given the throne. Sure hope I'm wrong.
True. Trump is a symptom, not the problem. Another just like him will replace him when he’s gone. The root problem is a lack of education and a lack of empathy. We need to restore trust in our media, in our educational systems, and in science. We need to teach critical thinking and compassion.
I agree with everything, save for restoring trust in our media. Our current media is completely owned by technocrat$
I think we need a rising of a new Free Press, or something of the like. Informing the public of their propaganda & the exact mechanics of how it works would also be helpful, perhaps.
America is not a place, it's an idea, a goal. It exists only in the minds & hearts of the people.
You want to heal America?
Heal the people.
The cure for ignorance is education.
The cure for hate (aka fear) is empathy & that comes from understanding.
Fear of the unknown is where I place most blame. Emotional reactionism feeds division. Thus their trap of ignorance.
I think we need a rising of a new Free Press, or something of the like. Informing the public of their propaganda & the exact mechanics of how it works would also be helpful, perhaps.