Like she did for others, elevated me. She was the first cable host to have me on as a subject matter expert. She’d reach out personally when news broke that’s in my wheelhouse, always thinking of ways to include me. She helped me find my voice, my lane.
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I will miss you! 💔
In short, Joy took a chance on me years ago, kept pushing for my voice to be in the conversation, and helped me discover what I do best.
Know how many of us you’ve touched along the way who remain in your corner — no matter where your journey takes you next.
We all love!!
Give a thought to the thousands of non famous govt employees who have been unceremoniously locked out of the offices under this Republican admin
They are destroying lives of loyal civil servants and endangering Americans
Many more doors 🚪 will open 🙌 🙏. Keep speaking 🔊 with your voice and truth 🙌 👏
Thank you Joy.❤️