Genuinely, I'm pretty sure this is it. It's a tipping point.
The thing about socials is that the party isn't the venue; so everyone kept going back to Twitter even though the venue sucked because that's where the party was.
Well, now the party is here and the venue is better, so...
Yeah, I'm hoping that's it, that's why I still posted on Twitter, I didn't get much interaction here, and like... I post because I like interacting with folks! But that seems to be finally changing
So, this wave DOES feel bigger and different than the last one, but I don't know yet if this is THE wave. Either way it's good to see all the increased activity on here. The exodus will eventually happen one way or another, I bet, even if this is not it.
If this isn't truly the mass exodus, this will be a big enough one to sustain this place! Once the rich idiot man decides to disable locked accounts on bird site (only a matter of time), that'll be the true nail in the coffin.
I /hope/ it is a big enough one to sustain this place, but I'm also cynical and think it's possible that it might take JUST a couple more.
The MORE important (and very good) thing is that there IS a steady influx of people each time the dumb rich guy does something, so.. it WILL eventually happen.
Yeah, I was talking with some friends about a month ago about this kinda thing happening, how it would take a real blunder on twitters part to get people to actually leave that site and come over to here. And well, I suppose that seems to have happened o:
The other website has been on a downwards trend since the new takeover and it's just been issue after issue since. With the new changes on the horizon, it just feels like it's a breaking point. A lot of functions shouldn't be changed and it feels like they won't even give you the option of a choice
Yeah, uh, following through with the block removal "idea" along with making AI scraping mandatory ALONG WITH saying they can just use any posted content without compensation... would definitely do it.
Forget shooting himself in the foot, he's blowing it away with a sawn-off!
Loving how lively this site got all of a sudden.
The thing about socials is that the party isn't the venue; so everyone kept going back to Twitter even though the venue sucked because that's where the party was.
Well, now the party is here and the venue is better, so...
I can see why people who've been active longer might be jaded, but for me: WOOOOO GET FUCKED ELON
The MORE important (and very good) thing is that there IS a steady influx of people each time the dumb rich guy does something, so.. it WILL eventually happen.
But yeah, I could be wrong, and this might be the one. If so, then yay. <3
Discord, telegram, twitter, bluesky, FA, mastodon + others
Just too much to manage and I guess is why people are online less? Favoring one platform over another
Forget shooting himself in the foot, he's blowing it away with a sawn-off!
It's definitely seeming like lots of folks are heading here!