Thinking of getting either a 8" Celestron or 9 1/4 inch Celestron. My TV-85 is a great little scope, but want something with a bit more light gathering capability. Anybody have thoughts on my choices?
Yes. I live in a light polluted big city (Milwaukee) and it needs to be portable to get to a dark site. I'm pretty sure I'm going to get the Celestron Evolution. Seems like it has the most capable mount for the aperture and still fairly portable.
Thanks for the input. Yeah, I live in downtown Milwaukee so it needs to be portable. And after doing some more research, sounds like you are correct. Thanks again!
I’m so upset. My 8” Celestron went missing when I moved. But they didn’t steal the lens!
Doesn’t matter. I live in a large metro area now. But I’m still pissed!
Because with astrophotography you leave the shutter open, sometimes for many minutes, so your film/ccd can really absorb light. I promise you there was a motorized equatorial mount.
The photo is not from this year though... the rings look way more tilted than what we got in 2024, they're almost edge-on right now (actually, they will "disappear" for about a year in a few months).
Doesn’t matter. I live in a large metro area now. But I’m still pissed!