We in America have publically been fed the political fiction that human life is sacrosanct, you can't put a dollar value on a life and that you must rely on the justice system to uphold this fundamental tenet of our societal fabric.
And the strain of that lie is too much to bear.
And the strain of that lie is too much to bear.
They visibly and blatantly do this in the service of profit, which goes exclusively to an executive class.
UHC is an *amazing* example of this.
It was put into place in the naive hope it would cause megacompanies to actually do the job other countries wisely decided to privatize.
Privatization is the root of a lot of evil.
We do not need privatized Medicare or even Medicaid, but that's the way it is now.
Great thread btw.
And it worked.
But they have been so far allowed to continue the practice, because I suppose it's "technically" legal.
That's where strain on the social contract shows.
The fuck did you THINK would happen?