If there's one thing in our favor, remember that just like last time Trump and his fucknuts love to rush as fast as they can to make their big performative cruel gestures and repeatedly bang into every easily avoidable hurdle along the way.
It doesn't make it better, but it helps to fight them.
It doesn't make it better, but it helps to fight them.
Also, Trump is probably not as healthy.
And Canada is planning some extreme tariffs for Red States/Swing States.
They gave Dick a baboon heart though so I don't think we'll get that lucky.
But then we'd have to deal with President Couchfucker.
He was INVISIBLE for like two weeks after Election Day.
There is no second in line for Republicans, it's Trump or nothing for 8 years.
Still I hate all of this and REALLY wish we could have avoided it all.
Why does the world have to be SO stupid?
But these are generally immature and performative manchildren that come from a business culture that prides itself on demonstrative and ill-conceived nonsense so stupid that anyone can see their fuckups coming a mile away.
It ain't much, but it's something.
Diminishing Returns is going to be the biggest weapon going forward. After taking over twitter for example, Elon Musk and Asmongold turned on each other after one of the biggest misinformation campaigns of the year (GamerGate 2.0).
This movement makes you reconsider how safe you are online given it was a bunch of twitter users falling for the lies peddled by grifters.
Ultimately, there was no happy ending as everyone was done having to deal with whack-a-mole of cucks.
I'm lucky enough to just barely be in the splash zone of American influence, and we only got a few high up folks whining about the woke so far (Fuck you Morten Messerschmidt). But man am I worried for my friends stateside...
Still, four more years of this ideology being the focus of the world's going to do untold damage internationally. A whole lot of anti-woke grifter shit of all shapes and sizes is going to be inspired by seeing this bullshit get all the airtime for a second time round.
Sunk-Cost Fallacy is their greatest weakness, after all. Why Eric really quit youtube since that was already oversaturated, and Shadiversity's channel died as it pivoted too soon.