i forgot about the damn n64 trees like who gives a shitttttttttttttttttttt the games were fun, looked beautiful outside the wild area, and it was their first ever attempt at experimenting with wide open areas that they then successfully iterated on and improved on every future attempt
Like be so serious what more did you want from this trailer/gameplay reveal. Be realistic. Something that is technologically possible on the hardware and feasible in terms of scale.
It looks as good as an open world action hybrid game set in a dense city on the aging, ailing Switch hardware that still got nearly a year of development left can realistically look.
They're trying new things with this active battle system and evolving the franchise. It's a completely fresh and novel setting unlike any previous game. What are y'all even complaining about at this point. It looks sleek. Art direction is good. This is everything people have been begging for.
Half the time they are hating just to hate and then once the game comes out they buy it and are loving it. I remember way back in 2017 unfollowing a major twitter gay because he spent MONTHS hating on Let's Go before release and insulting anyone looking forward to it...and then he played & loved it
Hating just to hate is behavior I’ll never understand. Also full tea, I LOVE the let’s go art style and I kinda wish pokemon just went with that for the switch games because it’s so cute lol
by the time the game drops Switch 2 will presumably be out as well so that will hopefully smooth over performance issues the game may have running on OG Switch
I wanted it to be more like Arceus: focus on wild battles, active participation from the trainer, boss fights, more accurate pokemon sizes, exploring the region’s past, just any one of those really. The dodging looks kind of cool, but PLA already did that plus it had mud you could throw at them lol
it looks like it has the same focus on wild battles, there appears to be more active participation, we haven't seen boss fights yet, & we don't know if it will explore the region's past. the only one of these we know we are not getting is the accurate mon sizes (probably because of the city setting)
but besides, i'm not talking about people who personally wanted something else. it's ok to be disappointed a game doesn't appear to be what you wanted. i'm talking about haters.
oh no no no, it's perfectly fair to not be into the look of a game. i should have probably been clearer but when i say haters i mean like...HATERS. people who wanna ruin the excitement for everyone else.