Could you hold town halls in other districts in the state? Some of us are (un)represented by republicans, who are too chicken**** to show their faces in public.
Showing up in LaCrosse, Eau Claire, Superior, Appleton, etc. would get local news coverage & highlight how their representatives are AWOL.
You're doing the right thing by hosting town halls. My suggestion is going forward, we need more Progressives to do town halls. You yourself could do more of these throughout different areas in WI & expand nationally. Bernie started the Progressive movement but he shouldn't take on all the burden.
Have you heard United Auto Workers President Shawn Fein make a speech 🎤 alongside with Sanders in Michigan fighting against Oliogarchy and I hope 🤞 other union member company presidents will do that in the near future such as Liz Shuler and even I would include Sean O’Brien.
Please highlight your bill for the Eliminate Looting of Our Nation by Mitigating Unethical State Kleptocracy (ELON MUSK) Act. THIS IS THE ENERGY WE NEED.
A) It’s a $4.5 trillion tax PLAN, that seems to prioritize cuts for the rich. B) It is imperative to include the fact that the tax plan increases the deficit by $2 trillion because all I hear from EVERY Republican about DOGE is that this is about the deficit not funneling our tax $ to the rich.
Showing up in LaCrosse, Eau Claire, Superior, Appleton, etc. would get local news coverage & highlight how their representatives are AWOL.
Here at Bluesky we want to help make these critical efforts go viral.