When Christians talk about traditional families, they are talking about old testament families. What people don't realize is, many wives, many kids, men hardly interact with the kids, especially the daughters: is how old testament families worked. Difference is, then women were considered property.
The muskrat took ivf embryos from his sperm and grime’s eggs and secretly had them implanted in a surrogate without grime’s knowledge. Is the surrogate one of the 6?
Musty actually interviews women to see if they’re intelligent enough for his sperm. He doesn’t have sex with women, just donates sperm. He’s so creepy weird. These women musk get paid well to get his sperm. He barely sees his daughters. He does see his one son.
Wish women could have two votes allowed on ballot. One for our souls and one for our uterus. Men want to control our uterus fully now to the point of letting us die when having a miscarriage in the hospital.
Musty interviews women to see if they’re intelligent enough for his sperm. He doesn’t have sex with them. All IVF. He’s so weird. He believes he better, smarter than everyone. He’s not.
I don't particularly care for the chap, in case you hadn't noticed.
YOU know---a man, his multiple wives, his concubines and handmaidens....
Bring back the Patriarchs of (REALLY) Old!