Or will I be yet again slit alongside the throat and left to die in a ditch like that one time I trusted that pointy teethed cowled with an exotic accent?
*Nods in agreement*
Giving my girls big pretty fangies is no negotiable at this point ... even if it doesn't really make sense for them to have them ^_^
Bunny with fangs or chainchomp teeth is an excellent design
Now giving serious thought to my bunnywitch Doing That as a sorta "oh fuck she's actually expending effort this time" signifier on casting spells and shit
Hope this doesn't come across as weird but I really love the wolfertinger (prolly spelled that wrong srry) species being bunnies who r predators It feels to me like when u r told ur whole life to be weak + make yourself smaller, but then you discover your own power and fight back. love these bunnys
(It's me i'm the treat
i love my fangs
Is it fun?
Or will I be yet again slit alongside the throat and left to die in a ditch like that one time I trusted that pointy teethed cowled with an exotic accent?
Would pet and pet and pet until my hand inevitably is bitten off 🤍🖤
Giving my girls big pretty fangies is no negotiable at this point ... even if it doesn't really make sense for them to have them ^_^
Now giving serious thought to my bunnywitch Doing That as a sorta "oh fuck she's actually expending effort this time" signifier on casting spells and shit