people think drawing fat bodies means drawing a character either smoothly round or large hips and breasts with a slightly visible tummy.
fat is dough-y and loose like a water balloon. it has curves and bumps and sag cuz the skin/fat give weight to the body. it will also crease alot as well!
fat is dough-y and loose like a water balloon. it has curves and bumps and sag cuz the skin/fat give weight to the body. it will also crease alot as well!
Each mark tells a story.
i'm honestly satisfied with my anatomy at the moment but once i start feeling unhappy with my art again i should study all these
I'm sure it'll eventually make more sense to me
So often I see anims or vtuber models and the movement is *so solid*. No squish, no weight. Very sad
mainly bc i only have <1 year of art under my belt but still