Look forward to our last #WARR talk in 2024!
Drs. Erin Hotchkiss @FluvialBenthos + Joanna Blaszczak
@jrblasz will talk about temporal variation in river ecosystem productivity + respiration, and their recovery under flooding disturbances
Register here: https://psu.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJckdO-hpzkvHNNFZBeD4H-Qy34m_azgD9CI#/registration
Drs. Erin Hotchkiss @FluvialBenthos + Joanna Blaszczak
@jrblasz will talk about temporal variation in river ecosystem productivity + respiration, and their recovery under flooding disturbances
Register here: https://psu.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJckdO-hpzkvHNNFZBeD4H-Qy34m_azgD9CI#/registration