Laura Tingle today:
"A government that doesn't want to upset people finds itself outgunned by a man with simple, angry messages."
The rumour mill is spinning that mid-late March could be election time. If it is, Albanese needs to get serious help - and listen to it.
"A government that doesn't want to upset people finds itself outgunned by a man with simple, angry messages."
The rumour mill is spinning that mid-late March could be election time. If it is, Albanese needs to get serious help - and listen to it.
(poor mum/commission house😪)He had a✨Glow-up✨(Pics circulated-his “groovy days/nice suits” & Woman’s Weekly spreads)
His war cry “Leave No One Behind”☝🏼! He got the keys to the big house & what did he do?-Folded to placate his rich mates.We were sucked in👎🏼!
Oh, and finish the year with the electoral reform bill which flicks them the bird
WTF Labor 🤷🏾♂️
With so much LNP rule over the past few decades, we have lurched right massively, but by stealth
The ALP must feel they can hardly make a dent left without it radical; Shorten loss
Too bad, try harder to sell it to us?
Either go meekly into opposition or really challenge the electorate with radical policy choices.
As USA showed, being mostly competent won't be enough.
They have done good things but woeful
The last thing this country needs right now is to move to a [MAGA hybrid] govt - which has the potential to be worse than the Morrison "govt".....if that could ever be possible. 🤷♂️
That really sums up Albo. As always Laura is on the money.
• Trump got 3.1% more; but
• Harris(/Biden) got 9.1% less!
The non-progressive Right simply voted for Trump, again.
But 7.4M progressive voters didn't suppory the Dems. Why? It's the same creature that the ALP has deliberately evolved into: the Mirror Right-wing.
No Progressive policies?
This is exactly why noncompulsory voting systems often throw to (excited) extremes.
Albanese who IS advising him?? WHO?
#askforhelp Albo 🤷🏻
Radical lefty and defender of the Palestinian people in his student days. Tory kicker and defender of the working class once in office. Corporate lick-spittle and US puppet once in power.
Still better than the alternatives because we at least get to choose which power-mad crackpot screws up the nation.
How does a bloke with his political history get to be so fkn naive?
but very carefully keeping quiet about what he will cut or the cost of any of it.
media letting him get away with it a luxury media never give labor when in opposition
Ol mutton has nothing but the spreading of fear and a team of leftovers; who are too scared to speak the truth on any subject.
Says it all about this calculated slimy grub who hates any form of questioning or having to justify his actions or ideas!
And the grub has an easy job too. He only has to get voters upset and angry in the middle of a costaliving crisis.
As much as I like Tingle she didn’t do much analysis on the disingenuous info we had to put up with on the Voice until after the Referendum . To argue it was in the name of balance was bs
Dutton talks in absolutes. That will get him over the line.
No matter how much Murdoch bashes him, he's happy on his knees
We don’t vote for Rupert.
The reality is, he's that reserves guy at the footy game, the orange boy who rarely gets a match but runs around sucking up to the big players regardless
If you want Dutton as your PM congratulations, your absurd comments are going to make that a reality
Perhaps think before hoh speak your shit
The gov doing what they can on COL (incl tax break for all) without blowing out debt or spiralling inflation out if control
Robodebt will get justice
Your impatience is everything we need to know
So sad because I hoped he was the tightrope worker.
What a disappointment!
(Albanese is losing that too ) Der Spiegel great interview.
Andrew, Andrew...
Katharine hasn't had a question
Says it all. Bluster, noise and disruption is the name of the game!
he doesn’t give a fuck about anyone else
* 500k fresh signatures for #MurdochRoyalCommission
* 3 former leaders to prosecute public case
* Greens/Teals on side
But Labor folded. Now it bites them in arse daily.
Too late Labor.. YOU will lose.. not LNP will win.
Australia loses
Gosh I wish she could take over 7:30.
She is one of the few that I can consistently listen to and think 'That sounds like a rational take'
It doesn't seem like we are viewing different events. Or she is trying to gaslight. Or she has an agenda. Or she is outright crooked.
The barrel has been spoilt by a few rotten apples working for the LNP.
We know who they are. We shd produce examples of their bias rather than just their names.
Having said that though, I never watch the ABC anymore so you are most likely right.
It's ridiculous...
They keep on with the Nuclear bullshit, promised to release a policy multiple times & still nothing! And the media say zilch..
Jim Chalmers needs to jump out of the melee & do some leading, cos he’s great!
You sound like you know than I do about him.
It’s all a con, innit?
"Stop calling it the national debt" 👇
Smart, straight-talking, problem-solver. ✔️✔️✔️
In just two payments of Jobseeker and the Disability Support Pension there are around 1.5 million voters.
Jim was asked to raise payments simply up to the poverty line.
Jim instead left these people behind.
1.5 million voters is a huge group to burn in a close election.
But in the case of the Albanese govt, incumbency has been squandered. #auspol
Dutton floated a nuclear brain fart & has blocked or voted against every Labor fedgovt policy & initiative.
His only alternative policy, concerning housing development, flopped.
He's got nothing.
They’re an absolute joke and it’s an embarrassment that they are a chance.
You are correct though. Cringeworthy self-interest gaming the system.
That’s the similarity
'15. Eliminate laws that require radio and television broadcasters to be ‘balanced’.
Gosh Barry, this was before my time on SM.
I had no idea IPA was so entrenched that early.
A must read article.👏
It just takes one smart journalist to call out the bs to create a headline, which Murdoch will have to acknowledge & repeat.
Like the smart journo Bridget McArthur from ABC Bunbury.
He made the unelectable, electable.
If you look carefully it's disappointments all the way down.