Oh he knew exactly what he was doing - dog-whistling, pathological liar that he is. I know plenty of people on the spectrum, blaming it on autism is insulting to all of them
He was dog whistling and the fact he has said no more about it or even argued the toss on it, says all we need to know
He was dog whistling and the fact he has said no more about it or even argued the toss on it, says all we need to know
People should stop placing blame on Autism. It's his character, nothing else.
I dont think he cares/cared, he bought it for power of messaging.
He got that... he can write off 44b fairly easy
To enhance it and give the world a voice of democracy? Or to deliberately destroy it?
A very thin skin
He didnt all night, and next day and even now days in
.... nothing
He knew what he was doing and the message he was sending.
I think he was egged on by the URW mob
The man who only last week endorsed a self-declared Nazi in Germany, is now accidentally doing things that look like Nazi salutes but aren't really because you're all terrible
I believe we are in denial of what we are seeing because the reality is just too dark.
We all know he's a fascist... so why are people surprised when he does fascist shit.
Also the Morrison QAnon message they posted in glee that they 'we got him to say it'
Forget at moment what the term they asked Morrison to say was some stupid QAnon meme at the time.
A roller coaster always ends up in the same position - and it's all in one line and it's all downhill. The only person who doesn't realise his life will end a lot sooner that he'd planned, is Musk
You can say any crap and expect it to be regarded as truth....
same/same, dog whistling
nothing from Trump about it…wonder if words are being had
He’s been screaming who he is & anyone who doesn’t denounce him is complicit.