The founder of Climate 200, one of the most significant movements in Australian politics for a generation, Simon Holmes a Court, will be speaking tomorrow at the National Press Club in Canberra.
Simon is an erudite and fascinating speaker so if you can, tune in or get along to the NPC for this one.
Simon is an erudite and fascinating speaker so if you can, tune in or get along to the NPC for this one.
But have huge concerns #EllieSmith is doing an open ticket in #DicksonVotes
We cannot risk #WarmongerRacistDutton getting up because there isn't a crystal clear HTV that puts him last
We don't want #Trump2.0
A clear HTV card must direct against #Dutton
At least Simon will show up and give his voice and vision considering Dutton refuses too.
We need more people who actually engage with the community instead of thinking they know better.
No? Just me then? 😎
So, I'm not sure what they were going for here.
(hmmm if that’s all it takes, we might just win this war me thinks)
We didn't even have teachers quite often, especially for double periods at the end of the day, so we'd slowly slide down the embankment and then take off for home😁
(Orange man)
“Address” autocorrect?
Curious that they don’t also capitalise the title of his Address 🧐
Sometimes when folks are unsure they will capitalise every word because it makes it clear it is a headline.
You either do one style or the other. This is just a random collection of words that are either capitalised or not by somebody who doesn't appear to know either way
“past present and future” escaped unscathed because that probably came directly from SHAC and they realised he knew what he was doing
every word except prepositions, articles etc is capitalised. they left the quoted text at the end in its original style thats all.
Last I heard all NPC-run events were outsourced. So down to some marketing agency hired by NPC. Many of the minimum-wage grads these agencies hire struggle with grammar and professional writing!
Not a pm
Need to able to kill people with gay abandon
Missed you , hope you are well .👋
You would reach more people, when you add a good description into the Alt-text field.
That is pretty easy, especially, when your image just contain text.
This way, you support visually impaired people and everyone else, who rely on a good filled Alt-text.
Tomorrow/Thurs, they've got Clive there...playing a trumpet....& the Australian public
Note to self:
Pop over to National Circuit BARTON around lunch time tomorrow & sieze the opportunity for a spot of important heckling
I’ll make sure I do not miss it
It’s both a trademark (in a non-legally-binding sense) and an excellent idea.
Look forward to listening in