Holding up signs? Fuck that!
Al Green gets thrown out & not 1 dem does anything!
Why didn’t you all walk out instead you sat there condoning his lies!
You’ll don’t have a damn plan! Your weak & ineffective
Holding up signs? Fuck that!
Al Green gets thrown out & not 1 dem does anything!
Why didn’t you all walk out instead you sat there condoning his lies!
You’ll don’t have a damn plan! Your weak & ineffective
Al Green is an American Hero
They should have all walked out!
Maybe their saving the
Real Blue walk out of Congress for a real
SOTU Speech!
Even the entire party walking out together & on way out someone yells we are leaving because all I hear are lies upon lies.
Do you want a government or a sports event?
A peaceful protest was held today when some of the DEMS surrounded Rep Al Green and sang, "We Shall Overcome."
Spotlight was on Johnson & Green. Protest put it on Green, as it should be.
Gotta know when to hold 'em, when to fold 'em
An orderly walkout has no relationship to wrestling's ginned up drama.
That's their job, and so far they're doing it
What next?
There are ways to respond that show a little more spine than supplicating ourselves at the king’s feet.
AOC didn’t even attend, as one example.
Also, focusing on performance rather than action is a bit besides the point. There are different ways to do resistance. Not everything is a show
The US isn’t the be-all end-all of freedom and representative democracy. Others have been overtaken by authoritarians in much the same ways we are being today.
Hungary, for instance.
Performance IS action. John Lewis spoke of “good trouble”. Let’s do more of that.
How would walking out stop the tax hike for billionaires?
Do you really need for elected DEMS to act as if they are at a wrestling show?
When has a coup ever been stopped by following protocol? I’m desperate for an example. Can you provide one?
The courts are not going to save us. I guarantee they won’t. It’s up to us & us alone. Dems in 🏡/senate are useless. No plan no real spine either. @hakeem-jeffries.bsky.social worried about donations.🤣
When did holding up signs about LIES being told during a president's speech = protocol?
Maybe we can grow a spine and do our forbears proud in defending the democracy that so many died to defend.
These sorts of things never end peacefully. To think otherwise is recklessly naive.
It's certainly not black or white.