I think Sunny probably brings some with her every other day to help restock. She'll bring some to keep in the nurse's office so she has a pack or two on standby, have a few emergency diapers in her locker, and one or two in her schoolbag too. You never know when you'll need them.
Me: can't go wrong with Tykables, NRU, and ABU. Other diapers are great too, but I appreciate a lot of ABDLs have their own personal reasons for not buying from certain companies due to business decisions.
Sunny: Bulkos (plain white, thick, comfy). But she sometimes wears others (or rather made to)
the only ones I've played are DarkSouls 1, 3, and Bloodborne. I've played 1 the most, but I got tired of it before hitting the second bell. 3 was similar, just lost interest after sinking several hours, and Bloodborne I didn't get at all. I don't get the appeal of that one (now I've made enemies)
How different do you envision your OC world to be; i.e., Sunny is regularly drawn in every day outfits with her diaper exposed, yet despite it not being a kink she’s unbothered by it. Does it boil down to ‘diaper drawings need diapers’, or do you picture more accepting, mind your own business world?
it's a very skewed version of RL, realistic enough, but occasionally there are furry sonas and no one seems to mind/notice. Most of the time it's just "diaper drawings need diapers," I'm terrible at drawing diapers under clothing (like tight pants), so small skirts solves that problem =3
not a very interesting one, I'm sorry to say. I've not eaten waffles in forever, I don't own a waffle maker, so I've been shopping around looking for one with decent reviews and sensibly priced, because I wanna try waffles again but not pay THAT much. Back to Amazon I go.
Every booty is nice in it's own way, and you can't tell unless you peek. It's like lookin directly at the Sun, you can do it quickly, but don't linger! Though with the popularity of yoga pants it's hard to not stare sometimes (as Frollo sang, "He made the Devil so much stronger than a man")
as I don't do commmissions that's not too much of an issue for me, but if I were to do comms, there's a LOT that worries me. Indecisive customers (keep changing their mind throughout the process), complicated hair styles, fursonas, and demanding customers who keep asking for updates.
Rosie: "sure, I've played all of them. I think I prefer the first game overall, B2 had improved combat and visuals, but I disliked the story/characters. It really ought to have been a different main character too, it's an odd game. Infinite was good, but it would have made a much better film. IMO"
a little smoother in a lot of ways. I'm sure the two of them would have a lot more experiences to share and bond over, rather than two opposite ends of the diaper spectrum. Sunny would like to know more incon folk if only to gossip about how annoying it is, much like how co-workers do.
not enough, I'm sorry to say. Once I'm in the zone and right frame of mind I can produce a few things a week. Often just an idea, a cute scenario or piece of dialogue that triggers my wanting to draw it ASAP, but it's 100% random when it strikes. *daydreams* That IS a cute idea... where's my ipad?!
Every pamperbutt has their price, so what's Sunny's price to appear in a diaper advert? :P Or worse yet, full abdl baby gear with onesies and pacifiers? :D
if it's default-age Sunny, she's probably never had a job before. If she were to model for diapers, either she was headhunted or her Mum put her name down for it. I imagine it's weird on that first day, but she would actually not mind it so much. Just wear nappies and look happy doing it =3
the full on baby gear is another story. It goes against her own tastes, but if they paid her more for it (and wasn't plastered in public) she may reconsider. Onesies and t-shirts aren't so bad, but other baby clothes/gear makes it a harder pill to swallow.
Sunny: Bulkos (plain white, thick, comfy). But she sometimes wears others (or rather made to)
Will you tell me about your latest hyperfixation?
Have you ever played Bioshock, or the sequel?
How much did it hurt you in the feels, how much heart-wrenching did the stories make you feel, in terms of both sympathy and anger?
Always nice to hear a hello gamer's take.