I've had a good time with the games I've tried, but I've kept it to simpler games. In particular, match 3 games that have no micro transactions or timers. Storyteller was another fun one, imo.
Into the Breach was my first Netflix game. Like you said, very much a non hassle to start playing, but I’m not much of a mobile gamer, so I never utilized it. Pretty wild that you can play games on Netflix; I had forgotten until I saw this
Good rec, installing now. I only discovered the games recently.
It's surprisingly easy to setup.
I recommend trying
Arranger, Storyteller
(both puzzle games) and Terra Nil (eco reverse city bulder)
I've only ever played Black Mirror's Bandersnatch special on Netflix. Twas a fun time getting all of the different endings. Highly recommended if you like that sort of thing 👍
It's surprisingly easy to setup.
I recommend trying
Arranger, Storyteller
(both puzzle games) and Terra Nil (eco reverse city bulder)
(omg, this IS like twitter!)