This is a good thing (and the AmTrads are [even more] going to Lose Their Shit).
It's a blessing, not a consecration; but it accepts people as they are.
Doctrine does not change overnight.
It's a blessing, not a consecration; but it accepts people as they are.
Doctrine does not change overnight.
The online discourse about how conservative U.S. bishops will cause a serious schism is, IMO, overblown. American Catholics make up only a fraction of the global communion, and white anglos are a declining segment of that population.
But they are loud, and "make good copy".
But for reasons they will stew in quiet heresy; rather then find a Luther, or a Henry.
I am sure at some point *some* MAGA clergy might try that, and will be excommunicated. But there's zero chance congregants will follow in significant numbers.
At some point I expect a bishop (though not Dicocesan) to say, "This pope is a false Pope, and we must reclaim The Church to Her divinity" and there will be another member of the Catholic family.
Because those who will accept conservative Orthodox, have already left.
And so I expect such a break to fail; and the American Catholic Church to be better for it.
I've seen those who claim Pius IX was the last "true pope"
And all manner of theories about each of those between then and now being the last (with some saying Benedict was/is a real pope, because *reasons*, even as they deny all the popes between)
B) Watching trads go Scanners will do wonders for everybody else's morale.
I'm thrilled to see this ... especially as the American Church has gone so far to the right. (She says in Vatican II formation)
Because they mourn the loss of a Church most have never known; which has been maintained in their mind's eye as the "Church Eternal"
But society, and the rest of the Church, hasn't been with them for 30+ years.
Except for a bunch of Radical Protestants.
He also saw the backlash against the proposed reforms of John Paul I. So he's being astute, and political.
He's finding Archimedes lever
I foist Laudito Si on enviro types all the time -- it's so beautifully written, so radical ...
Good for him, and keep on going.
Thank you for making me less opaque.
Celibate is not chaste. That conflation is the source of a great deal of confusion.
Any unmarried person is supposed to be chaste.
They are expected to either repress, or channel, their sexual desires.
Nuns were even moreso as women were seen as more sexual when the orders were founded.
Or that meditative contemplation would tame them.
This admits that those who are not vowed to chastity, openly into the active body of the church.
Which has more effect on non-trad folks than trad.
Save that "unnatural" desires were seen as different; they divorced one from hope of concord, and so if one didn't abjure them, utterly, one could not gain absolution.
That has, more or less, changed.
And this isn't just gay people. It's me... with a poly-life. I can get a blessing, should I/we want one.
That's a huge step.
Is it all I would like to see? No. But I don't expect that sort of course changing Revelation to be presented Ex cathedra.
The Church has a LOT of inertia; still it moves.
Hard to get moving.
Hard to stop.