Arguably Musk is already calling the full faith and credit of the United States into question by arbitrarily reneging on its payment obligations, even if they aren’t to foreign nations or institutional investors or whatever.
Reposted from
Will Stancil
The real economic doomsday scenario is that Musk, turning off random payments in a system he doesn’t understand in pursuit of a deranged fantasy he can cut $4 billion a day from the US government, turns off some component of US debt service, right? Kaboom
Too bad fedsoc doesn’t think the fourteenth amendment is real
Every business has got to be planning for the US economy to end up in the septic tank.
If things get really ugly (and there's no reason to suppose that they won't), it's going to be very difficult to climb out of it.
Five Eyes really needs to cut us out.
I probably have the *name* wrong?
A breakdown this bad happening this quickly needs ramifications on par to match.