He created terror. He makes people uneasy, wondering when it will happen again. That is terrorism!.. And it's this stupid rule and the morons in authority that followed those rules to blame! If they had treated him as a terror suspect this would never have happened.
That's not terrorism dude, you can't just change definitions to suit your argument, hes a fucking wrongun, but not a terrorist, we need guidelines or the people in power will become the terrorists.
Mate .. we need definitions of words, think about it, imigine blurring the lines of language.. how much do you think that would be abused.. what makes him a terrorist rather than a murderer?
No I agree with you. My point is that by sticking so rigorously to definitions and box ticking, we have allowed to let this person murder children. Had he been considered a terrorist threat he could have been stopped.
If he creates terror then that is terrorism. I know that is not the official definition. Just because he is not aligned with a known political stance does not mean it is not. We hold onto these tight pedantic definitions and where does it lead. In this case it led to these little girls deaths
They are not fit for purpose. Real life does not fit into guidelines as we have witnessed with the actions of this little fucker! They had chances to stop him and the guidelines prevented that!
Hopefully. It's pretty scary being a parent these days in the UK. Imagine how the locals in Southport feel. They must be on edge with their little kids