I know it’s hard to read all the way to page 4 when your family tree has no branches, but you could do better to prevent self owns by having chosen a less lucrative industry. Why are “antizionists” so vapid?
Yeah, and I'm sure it's not a boutique industry we could replace in two seconds we're buying from you idiot racists because you pay for some Congressman's sex tourism
What?! I didn’t know that. Now it’s far more important to demand the same kind of universal healthcare and affordable education for all in the USA. If the department of defense can charge $70 per bottle of soap dispenser, it can afford universal healthcare, affordable education & livable wages.
To keep democracy in the mid east.Or to protect the last 15 million Jews left in the WHOLE WORLD but you think they rule everything,Arabs have millions of acres of land, And Saudis,killers,as are Hamas,Hezbollah,iran all causing these problems, but you hate Jews so you'll blame them for everything.