I should clarify: I really pass no judgement on people who leave. It’s a huge decision, the biggest of decisions. Nobody could do it on a whim. But it makes me sad in more ways than I could elaborate in a social media post. I think home is worth fighting for.
I think home is worth fighting for too but I don’t think Americans are ready or willing to do what it takes. Protests where some of us will get killed. General strikes where retaliation is guaranteed for many folks. And all of these actions need organizing RIGHT NOW.
The left has too long relied on a national leader to save us but that has failed over and over. Community orgs like the national day labor organizing network, new union movements, and local politicians are in aggregate doing great work. If you’re looking for a presidential candidate I can’t point
I’m not saying it’s good. It is not. It’s bad and worsening, but the casual conversation of quitting just feels… indicative of a movement that feels like it’s blunting the will to fight, not inspiring people to defend.
Many are still operating under the old paradigm of democracy. However, there has been a shift to the authoritarian regime under which we are already suffering. Who is leading?
It’s bad, but anybody with means and sufficient safety should stay. And most (not all) people with means to move also have the resources to stay. Of course it’s personal in choice and I don’t judge, but we need good people to vote, volunteer, donate, and set examples.
I think about this a lot but I don't think there's a way I could take my parents and sister, and we're so close that I sometimes think I wouldn't be able to make it without them. If we could all go: yes 100%
Many are still operating under the old paradigm of democracy. However, there has been a shift to the authoritarian regime under which we are already suffering. Who is leading?
I always talked about moving: the Dubya years, Dump part 1, etc. But now, it’s a very serious consideration.