My second advice is: not everyone is meant for management.
If you don't enjoy being in a position where you will be responsible for team decisions, and even more so, where you will have to be responsible for YOUR OWN decisions, don't touch it with a stick.
If you don't enjoy being in a position where you will be responsible for team decisions, and even more so, where you will have to be responsible for YOUR OWN decisions, don't touch it with a stick.
I'm not someone who checks up on people beyond their workload, but I'm great at providing feedback and vision. I'm good at getting people fired up for their work.
Find what makes you feel good about your skills
Being directed is being vulnerable, it's trusting someone's taste and vision over whatever baggage you have. You have a duty to do right by whoever you direct: treat people as people not text to voice or art machines, they're here for their experience