Oh I jump around like crazy. I typically have 2-4 books on rotation, so that as soon as I get bored/tired of one I can switch things up. I’m currently reading Dune Messiah, Africa Is Not A Country, and I, Robot. And I have System Collapse (the most recent book in TMBD) sitting on my shelf to read…
I prefer straight through, but it's no real problem to skip around as long as it's not a year or more between one book in the series and the next. Too much risk that I might forget some salient details in the meantime
Prefer to start at the beginning & follow in chronological order… I did that with the Diane Mott Davidson and with the Outlander books; with Harry Potter when Mollie was young; & with any romantic novels that say they’re “3rd in a series”; I’ll search for the first & second books and start there.
The only series I could stick to through the whole thing without taking a break and reading other works was the Murderbot Diaries, largely because the books are short and are fast reads. But any other series I wouldn't do that. My reading needs to be a buffet.