There is an unfortunate human tendency to reach for the sparkly and interesting rather than sticking with the mundane tried and tested.
We start from the premise that STANDARDISED care GOOD care. We can then elicit response(s) and reduce the influence of potential iatrogenic confounders
We start from the premise that STANDARDISED care GOOD care. We can then elicit response(s) and reduce the influence of potential iatrogenic confounders
I'm not going to cover on emergency assessment and management in this thread, but instead focus on the patient who remains hypoxic after stabilisation measures have been instituted
First, we need to pick our SpO2 target...
Firstly we explore the ARDSnet ventilation strategy:
We use ulnar length, age and sex to set tidal volume. There's different ways to do this, key thing is to standardise
We talk about this and how to approach with multidisciplinary staff who may be less experienced or anxious about deviations from usual standard parameters.
We discuss the ACURASYS trial
We discuss the PROSEVA trial