A completely different site, that barely anyone goes to.
I'm not trying to give them a slap on the wrist or anything, but they've gone pretty hard to keep anything AI off of the main e621 site.
I'm not trying to give them a slap on the wrist or anything, but they've gone pretty hard to keep anything AI off of the main e621 site.
e6ai, while being a different site, is ran and owned by e621 moderation members.
e6 has also done nothing to stop scraping for AI *besides* remove it from e621 and make an alt site for it.
e621 and e6ai are owned by Dragonfruit. And not e6ai by e621.
We share a handful of staff members, but we are mostly separated. And most of the e621 team hates AI.
And please tell me, how are we supposed to stop scrapers? Blocking downloads is not an option with a gallery of art we don't own.
also, blocking downloads is 100% an option if you make it a log-in ability.
you could also set a request rate limit to ensure nobody is scrolling through hundreds of thousands of posts all at once.
Yeah... try rectifying partially blocking downloads, considering we don't own the posts on e621. Furthermore, if you can view an image online, a bot can do so as well.
e621 already has an API limit of two requests per second, for normal users.