Do you really think everyone who did the calculus and voted for harm reduction is some blind Dem partisan apologist? I voted to protect my trans friends and my immigrant friends. I picked the least bad option in a binary system. You voted your conscience? Great. So did I.
The excuses you make for the party continue to reinforce a system that made a real, historical ethnic cleansing possible.
Ironically, though, your coddling of the party also makes pogroms against immigrants and trans people more likely.
But you'd rather salivate at the prospect of an escalation in Gaza for the possibility of being able to say, "I told you so."
That's your real priority here.
It's sick and demented, and it's why people hate liberals.
I don't WANT to be right. I would love to be completely wrong in my assessment of who Trump is as a person and a leader. What a fucking relief that would be. Been nine years, though, and I've yet to see any evidence I am.